Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Lunar Month of Ren Shen, Yang Water Yang Metal

7th August at about 1807 Hrs we will be welcoming a new lunar month of Yang Water, Ren and Yang Metal Shen. See below picture on the representation. The Heavely Stem of Ren and the Earthly Branch of Shen.

ren shen H9 E9

Dear readers,
7th Aug at about 1807 hrs, we will be receiving a new lunar month of Heavenly Stem Ren Yang Water and Earthly Branch of Shen Yang Metal.

1. Earthly Branch of Shen, which in the chinese zodiac is Monkey, this is a Yang Metal element. Metal give birth to water, it destructs wood. Is this earthly branch of yang metal strong? Yes and No. Yes because the year Ji Chou are earth which give birth to metal and metal give birth to water, when metal give birth to water, it strength will be weaken and water become very strong.

2.Yang Metal Monkey clash with Tiger Yang Wood. This is a month breaker for those born in the year of Tiger. That is to say do not engange or make important decision.

3. Monkey combined with snake but can also clash, this is a very uncertain and unstable combined. In the 3 combinations, we have Monkey, Rat and Dragon to form Water. Those born in the year of Monkey, their travelling horse star is Tiger.

4. Those who bazi DM is Strong Water may not want to be strengthen by Shen Metal. Water will overflow and causes flood and destroy crops.

5. Let me talk about the heavenly stem of Ren Yang Water, bazi with DM water will not want to see another Ren coming along which may be someone who come and take away or combine away something, can be wealth or friendship.

6.Ren combine with Ding Fire. DM of Ding Fire will see Ren come and combined.

Happy Reading!


