Thursday, March 3, 2011


Dear Readers,
We are into the new Flying Star in the hour of Rabbit Singapore Time, on 6th Mar 2011. We are receiving the same pillar as the year; Heavenly Stem of Xin (辛), and the Earthly Branch of Rabbit (卯). The month pillar repeat the year pillar. We are also into the same flying star chart as the year flying star. Star 7, take the central palace.

March 2011 flying star chart


Generally, the stars duplicate the year stars. The auspicious palaces will double up the good energies. The inauspicious palaces will have the double bad effects.


Take preventive measures according to the year flying star. If you have already taken the necessary actions recommended by the Feng Shui Masters on the yearly star effects, there is no necessity for additional actions.


The East and the South with the most inauspicious Star 5 and Star 2 respectively, double up the bad effects in these two palaces. No moving of earth (动土), and do not create any drastic movement in these two palaces.
Double 7 in the central palace also produce bad energy. Keep this palace tidy without clutter. If there is ceiling fan, try not to use it.
In the North, the double Star 3 can create problems if it is not well guard.


Everyone should maintain a healthy body and have good discipline in daily routine to avoid any sickness. For those who are travelling, take anti virus injection for precaution.

Wish everyone a good health and luck !


1204233361 said...

Some people said that the Chinese national treasure- panda should be the 13th zodiac sign; however, most of people accepted that cat should be the 13th zodiac sign since cat is the one who lost the zodiac title in the legend of 12 Chinese zodiac signs.

