Sunday, February 1, 2009

Folk Custom in the Spring Festival - Human Date

In first lunar month seventh day, is know as the the human date or the human birthday. This is one of the folk custom in the Spring Festival.

In the ancient, the folks also name the day as “human wins festival”, “Celebrating the human festival”, “the population date”, “the human seventh day” and so on.

This festival come about many years ago there is this fable female snail, she established the world, and after having composed animals and so on chicken dog pig beast etc, in the seventh day has composed the human. Therefore this day is humanity's birthday.

This festival started during the Han Dynasty. In the beginning this festival is seem as vulgar. It is only after Wei Jin, people started to take it seriously. The ancient people believed that this date as “the person victory” day.The person victory is a kind of head ornaments, is also called the color victory, the human cut out flower-shaped hair ornament to be wear on the hair and paste on the window screen.

In addition, scholar the climb up the stage to composes a poem. After Tang Dynasty, this holiday was taken seriously . If in the first lunar month seventh day the weather is clear, it advocates that the whole year the population is safe and everything will be smooth.


